Hello World!

Don’t you hate the feeling when you go into your closet and you have nothing to wear? I mean, your closet is full of clothes, some you just purchased. But nothing in your closet works for what you are doing tonight, or this weekend, or even your upcoming trip. This is a true struggle I use to have, and I am sure some of you can relate.

Trends are always changing in fashion. Like many people in America, our pocket books can’t afford those constant changes. Pinterest, magazines, and people on TV are constantly reminding us that we need to keep up with the fashion trend and color.

My goal with this blog is to help you overcome this fashion burden, and make getting dressed a fun experience. Let’s make the most of what you already have! But along with clothes, you need to pair it with great accessories and makeup too! I want to help you become the best you.

Please note, you will not find crop tops or teenage-dream looks here. My taste revolves around cute, casual, and work-appropriate clothes.

I am also a big foodie that loves cooking, baking, and trying new restaurants. I will share some great recipes and food with you as well.

I hope you enjoy this blog, and thank you so much for taking the time to read!